
How can I change the default font of Sticky Notes?

2011年8月18日 — 1. Go to registry : Start -> run -> regedit · 2. Go to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Microsoft-Windows NT-CurrentVersion-Fonts · 3. Right click ...

How do I change the sticky note font style and size?

The font style and size of all sticky notes in your Storm can be adjusted in the Settings menu. Storm Administrators can perform this action for Text Stickies.

How to change default font of Sticky Notes in Windows 7

2014年1月21日 — Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen and select Font. You can then choose a different font, size, and color.

How to Change Sticky Notes Font Size, Color and Other ...

This tutorial explains how to change font size, color and other formatting or styling in Sticky Notes as a Windows gadget in Windows 7/8. Sticky notes is.

How To Change Windows Sticky Notes Font, Size, and Style

Segoe Print is the default font in Sticky notes, if you want to change the font to Arial or other alternative, please follow the step by step tutorial: Step 1 – ...

Sticky notes on windows 7

2014年4月28日 — 1 Answer 1 · To INCREASE text size: Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + > · To DECREASE text size: Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + < · To BOLDEN the text: Ctrl + B · To ITALICIZE: ...

windows 7

2009年9月4日 — To change size, luckily there are keyboard shortcuts... Ctrl + Shift + > makes the font bigger. Ctrl + Shift + < makes the ...


,2011年8月18日—1.Gotoregistry:Start->run->regedit·2.Goto:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Microsoft-WindowsNT-CurrentVersion-Fonts·3.Rightclick ...,ThefontstyleandsizeofallstickynotesinyourStormcanbeadjustedintheSettingsmenu.StormAdministratorscanperformthisactionforTextStickies.,2014年1月21日—TapthethreedotsinthetoprightcornerofthescreenandselectFont.Youcanthenchooseadifferentfont,size,andco...